Thursday, December 17, 2015

head shots

i just love making kissie lips
 i hate taking pictures
im not photogenic at all .

Friday, December 4, 2015


my plan for my headshot would be playful because I'm not that much of a serious person so i would want it to be playful and silly to reflect my personality . i think i would want my background to be outside .


 s curve

 filling the frame
 light as the subject
 contrast of content
 circular compostion
leading lines

normal composition

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


1. How many PocketWizards do you need to fire a flash remotely? 2

2. How does a PocketWizard transmit a signal? will receive a radio signal

3. How many channels are available on a PlusX transmitter? 10

4. How can you tell if a signal has been sent or received? it glows solid red

5. What do you need to remotely trigger your camera to take a photo? cord cable